0008: QRM Interplanetary

QRM Interplanetary by George O. Smith was his first story in the Venus Equilateral series, which was published in Astounding Science Fiction from 1942 to 1945. Venus Equilateral is a space station…

0006: Allamagoosa

What's up, dog? Erik Frank Russell's Allamagoosa is fun service-comedy-in-space, but it's not without controversy. We also discuss the type of story where protagonists attempt to fix a small problem,…

0004: Who Goes There?

John W. Campbell's Who Goes There appeared in the August 1938 issue of Astounding Science Fiction. It is generally considered to be one of the most influential stories from the…

Was Allamagoosa Plagiarism?

WARNING: SPOILERS Did Eric Frank Russell plagiarize an earlier tale for his Hugo Award winning short story Allamagoosa? Allamagoosa was published in the May 1955 issue of Astounding Science Fiction.…